Warehouse Mezzanine Floors

Raised Storage Areas

Expand your existing space

You can DOUBLE OR EVEN TRIPLE your warehouse storage capacity within the same floor space, by adding a warehouse mezzanine floor!

All our work conforms with Building Code of Australia (BCA), structural engineering standards and safety protocols, and is carried out by qualified and licenced tradespeople, with skilled electricians, plumbers and builders on our team.

Taking it to the next level...

Don’t just think of your floorspace as a flat, two-dimensional space. While your base might be limited, there’s always room to take things UP to the next level! With our structural, modular units, we can design and create one or more extra upstairs floors in your warehouse, which you can use for office space, extra storage, a stage area, or anything else you might need to accommodate.

Warehouse mezzanine floors are fast becoming an industry favourite for customers all over Australia. When your enterprise expands and grows, this clever, lateral option saves you from having to relocate to a larger facility and it saves you the cost in time, money, inconvenience and interruptions that go hand in hand with moving. The idea to expand upwards opens many new possibilities for your warehouse space, without you having to move somewhere else to find needed extra room.

Raised aloft

Designed and fabricated in-house, right here in Australia, our structural mezzanine floors are intended as a cost-effective way to increase your usable storage and office space, by going UP. We tailor these raised storage areas (commonly called Mezzanine Floors) to exactly suit the available space you have to work with, and to fit with your plans and visions for your business.

Options include:

  • Fortified flooring available for upper storage spaces, to take heavier loads
  • Built-in storage systems – both upstairs and underneath the raised floors
  • Stairways, landings, upper floors, lofts
  • Customised office units
  • Awnings, barricades, walkways, gates
  • Forklift-accessible systems
  • Stage areas, working spaces, storage areas

Extra office space in your warehouse

If you’re thinking you have to move to bigger premises to accommodate your growing enterprise, consider the cost savings to be achieved by staying put and building mezzanine floor space into your existing warehouse area.

We have wall and flooring options suitable to fit out a professional looking office, complete with electrical switches and outlets, fittings and workspace shelving. One of the advantages of such a modular office addition is that if and when you DO move, you can take the office with you, to your next location! This allows you to keep your options open for the future. Of course, you can also talk to us about our buy-back scheme for structures and equipment you don’t want to keep after your lease finishes up.

Expand your warehouse storage capacity today

Please contact our team to discuss your needs and let’s see how we may help you.

Send us a message, or phone Complete Warehouse Solutions on (02) 4257 1930 or 0417 223 409

You are welcome to visit us at:

6 Commerce Drive, Lake Illawarra, Sydney, NSW 2528

We hope to see you soon!